This site is about you! We want to inspire you and help you to develop the confidence to overcome challenges and follow your passions. In our feminising profession, we want to encourage women to aspire to be at the forefront of clinical practice, specialisation, professional bodies, corporates, education, research, industry, government – leaders in every area of veterinary influence.
We are veterinary women who experience first-hand the challenges in developing our careers amidst busy lives, gender biases and multiple demands on our resources. On this site, we feature:
- Guest blogs
- Inspiring articles
- Role model profiles
- Podcasts and interviews
Veterinary Woman also holds events throughout the year and hosts a private Facebook group where networking and healthy discussions are encouraged. All are welcome, so please do join us!
Help us give Veterinary Woman a voice by signing up for alerts and updates. By commenting, sharing and contributing you can help to inspire other veterinary women. And that’s something we can all celebrate.
If you are a woman who works in the veterinary sphere or related fields, in any role, we hope the site has something for you. If there’s anything else you’d like us to include, let us know. Perhaps you’d like us to interview you about your experiences as a veterinary woman? Or maybe you want to say something but remain anonymous? Please send us your posts, contributions or suggestions to
Veterinary Woman – aspire, inspire, grow.
Who are we?
Susan McKay BVM & S, MRCVS, MBA
Bringing up two children as a lone parent, juggling that with running my business, my home, my pets, my life: you can bet I’ve faced a few challenges. I invented my own job! After eight tough years in practice, I worked in pet nutrition companies and completed an MBA before setting up my own PR and communications agency just for vet and pet companies. After muttering for way too long about the idea behind Veterinary Woman, I finally got round to setting it up. I wanted to create a place where equality is encouraged and women could source the information they needed to help them reach their potential. As the mother of daughters, I get ‘The Rage’ when I see examples of discrimination. This website is my way of trying to right some wrongs and encourage and inspire other veterinary women.
Jenny Langridge
Having spent the early part of my working life in the motorcycle, automotive, engineering and agricultural sectors, I was intimately acquainted with some excruciating discrimination towards women, and mobilised an informal network of peers to challenge the sexism we encountered and find positive ways of supporting and empowering each other in our working lives. Moving into veterinary publishing was a breath of fresh air in comparison, however working with veterinary teams and my own experience of single parenthood illustrated how, even when discrimination may not be overt, society’s conditioning and entrenched norms present unique challenges to women in the veterinary sector. That network of female peers, role models and mentors has been powerful in negotiating the obstacles, and I hope Veterinary Woman can bring those same strengths and make a difference to others in the profession.
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